
The Department of Pharmacy and Biotechnology (FaBiT) was activated on 16 October 2012 following the reform introduced by Law 240 of 12/30/2010.
It was formed on the initiative of some professors and researchers of the University, following the need to converge in a single departmental structure people having common research and teaching interests in the chemical-pharmaceutical-technological, biomedical, and molecular biological fields.
The mission of the Department, as stated in the founding document, is split into two main fields: "the study of biological systems and molecular mechanisms underlying physiological and pathological processes in prokaryotes and eukaryotes and the development of innovative biotechnologies", and "the study and the development of drugs and health products in their biochemical, physiological, pharmaco-toxicological, chemical and technological components”.
Given its composition, resulting from the project that led to its birth, FaBiT stands out for its strong multidisciplinarity, highlighted also by the multiplicity of skills present in the Department.
To concisely contextualize the strategic fields of research in the 2018-2022 Departmental Strategic Development Project, in the light of a reflection that took into account also the national and international contexts, the following lines of development have been identified:
- Pharmaceutical and nutraceutical sciences
- Genomics and biomolecular sciences
- Computational chemistry/biology and bioinformatics
In these three fields, which characterize the FaBiT at local (University), national, and international levels, the research areas declared in the most recent version of the SUA-RD are integrated: