
The Department is actively involved in scientific communication to a non-science audience with public engagement initiatives. The aim is spreading the scientific knowledge and culture inside society, in particular on themes dealing with pharmacy and biotechnology. In addition, professors and researchers show and explain, using a language suitable for a non-science audience, their research activity and its impact on the society.

Researchers and professors of the department:

  • Organize and participate to Café Scientifiques, scientific aperitifs, debates, round tables, scientific festivals.
  • Teach in laboratories and lessons for children (es. Unijunior), answering questions on chemistry and biology for the young public.
  • Give interviews and participate on television broadcast on their research activity.
  • Collaborate to the writing of general press articles and press release.
  • Contribute to the training of high school students offering stages (“alternanza scuola-lavoro”, ASL) in their laboratories.
  • Participate to the European Researchers’ Night.