Pharmaco-Toxicological Analysis (PTA Lab). Coordinator: Mercolini

Advanced strategies for the instrumental analysis of active compounds in complex matrices by liquid chromatography and capillary electrophoresis coupled to different types of detection. Innovative analysis of solid samples using infrared spectroscopy. Design of miniaturised sampling and pretreatment procedures for biological and non-biological samples for pharmaceutical, pharmaco-toxicological and forensic purposes.

Research themes

Lab Members

Laura Mercolini, Associate Professor of Medicinal Chemistry (CHIM/08)

Head of the Research Group of Pharmaco-Toxicological Analysis (PTA Lab)

Director of the II level Professional Master in Forensic Chemical and Chemical-Toxicological Analyses

Michele Protti, Senior Assistant Professor of Medicinal Chemistry (CHIM/08)

Elisa Milandri, PhD student

Sobia Noreen, PhD student

Claudia Gentile, Research fellow

Antonio Leone, Research fellow

Internship projects

Experimental activities aimed at thesis dissertation in Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Technologies, Pharmacy, Applied Pharmaceutical Sciences, Health Biology and within the II level Professional Master in Forensic Chemical and Chemical-Toxicological Analyses.

Main publications
