Molecular biology and applied genetics. Coordinator: Ambrosetti

To study transcription factors and retrotransposons as regulators of gene expression

Research themes

Transcription factors and retrotransposons in the regulation of gene expression and their role in lung cancer.

Study of the effects of electromagnetic fields on the epigenome within the GOLIAT project (5G expOsure, causaL effects, and rIsk perception through citizen engAgemenT, HORIZON-HLTH-2021-ENVHLTH-02).

Lab Members

Davide Carlo Ambrosetti, Associate Professor

Brunella Del Re, Senior Assistant Professor

Internship projects

-Cloning of gRNA for CRISP/Cas9 mediated knock out of target genes of lung tumor cells

- Role of the transcription factor Sox 5 in melanoma

- Activity of LINE-1 elements in cultured cells treated with chemical or physical agents

Main publications

  • Gobbi G, Grieco A, Torricelli F, Sauta E, Santandrea G, Zanetti E, Fantini V, Reggiani F, Strocchi S, Paci M, Vohra M, Saladi SV, Ambrosetti DC, Ciarrocchi A, Sancisi V. (2023). "The long non-coding RNA TAZ-AS202 promotes lung cancer progression via regulation of the E2F1 transcription factor and activation of Ephrin signaling”. Cell Death Dis. 14:752.
  • Ravaioli, F., Bacalini, M.G., Giuliani, C., Pellegrini, C., D'Silva, C., De Fanti, S., Pirazzini, C., Giorgi, G., Del Re, B. (2023) “Evaluation of DNA Methylation Profiles of LINE-1, Alu and Ribosomal DNA Repeats in Human Cell Lines Exposed to Radiofrequency Radiation.” Int J Mol Sci. 24:9380.
  • Giorgi, G., Del Re, B. (2021). “Epigenetic dysregulation in various types of cells exposed to extremely low-frequency magnetic fields.” Cell Tissue Res. 386:1-15.
  • Reggiani, F.,  Sauta, E., Torricelli, F., Zanetti, E., Tagliavini, E., Santandrea, G., Gobbi, G., Damia, G., Bellazzi, R., Ambrosetti, D., Ciarrocchi, A., Sancisi, V. (2021). “An integrative functional genomics approach reveals EGLN1 as a novel therapeutic target in KRAS mutated lung adenocarcinoma.”  Mol Cancer. 20:63.
  • Del Re, B., Giorgi, G. (2020). “Long INterspersed element-1 mobility as a sensor of environmental stresses.” Environ Mol Mutagen. 61:465-493.

