Chemical-Pharmaceutical Teaching Laboratories, Rimini
via Bastioni Settentrionali 45, Rimini
The building hosts three laboratories: a biological laboratory ( 30 workstations) and two chemical laboratories (60 workstations each). For FaBiT department, it mainly hosts the teaching activities of the Master Degree in Pharmacy and of the International Master Degree in Pharmacy.
The spaces are managed by QuVi department.
Chemical Laboratories (60 workstations each)
For FaBiT, the main teaching activities include:
- the recognition of active pharmaceutical ingredients, the division into classes to which they belong and their characterization on the basis of group tests;
- the application of UV/Vis and IR spectroscopy, polarimetry, HPLC and GC techniques, fluorimetry and chromatography, the preparation and standardization of titrant solutions and titrations with burette and automatic titrators;
- the fundamental techniques of chemical synthesis and extraction, extension of all techniques also in the phytopharmaceutical field;
- the study of the main pharmaceutical formulations and their preparation, application of different techniques for the incorporation of the different APIs in the formulations, study and application on the label of the current regulations, study and characterization of the finished drug.
The following equipment is available: a UV-Vis spectrophotometer, a visible spectrophotometer, an oscillating granulator, homogenizers, a mini spray dryer, a device for determining the disintegration time, an automatic tablet press, a hardness test, a device for measuring the smoothness of powders, a thermobalance, a friability tester, an analytical mill, a freeze dryer, a high-performance liquid chromatograph (HPLC) binary gradient with DAD detector and fluorescence flag, an isocratic high performance liquid chromatograph (HPLC) with DAD detector, a gas chromatograph with FID detector, an IR spectrometer, rotary evaporators, a polarimeter.
Biological Laboratory (30 workstations)
For FaBiT, the main activities include: cellular and molecular biology techniques applied to pharmacology, preparation of media for bacterial cultures, preparation of isolating cultures and pure cultures, identification of bacterial species, assessment of sensitivity to antibacterial drugs and molecular and serological diagnosis.
The following equipment are available: a spectrofluorimeter, optical microscopes, a fluorescence microscope, an autoclave, a thermocirculator, a thermostatic group, cells for gel electrophoresis, an Abbe refractometer, a sampler for bacteria, fungi and viruses, a bioluminometer, an homogenizer, a transilluminator, a densitometer, a thermostat (4-50° C).

Chemical Lab

Laminar Flow Hood

IR Spettrofotometer

Freeze Dryer