Presentation of MASTFORCHEM thirteenth edition (A.A. 2024-2025)

  • Date: 29 July 2024 from 18:00 to 19:30

  • Event location: Online on MS Teams. Access via link: https://bit.ly/MastforchemOpenDay

  • Access Details: Free admission

- Introduction to MASTFORCHEM thirteenth edition (A.A. 2024-2025)
Prof. Laura Mercolini, Director of the Master, Alma Mater Studiorum - University of Bologna
- Excursus in the history of the Master
Prof. Stefano Girotti, Coordinator of the Scientific Council
- Presentation of the teaching plan
Prof. Roberto Mandrioli, Member of the Proposing Committee and of the Scientific Council
- Presentation of internships and seminar activities
Dr. Michele Protti, Member of the Proposing Committee and of the Scientific Council
- Description of the selection and enrollment access procedures
Dr. Lorenzo Leonardi, Teaching and Organizational Secretariat of the Master

Access via link: https://bit.ly/MastforchemOpenDay