Commissions and Work Groups
The Director of the Department relies on the contribution of commissions and working groups to coordinate the institutional activities of FABIT.
Research Commission
Main Functions
- Analyze data related to research evaluation, both at the university level (VRA) and at the ministry level (VQR), and propose actions to improve it.
- Identify objectives for departmental research and the corresponding evaluation parameters, in line with the University’s Strategic Plan and in agreement with the Quality Commission.
- Compile and update the SUA-RD form with the Quality Commission.
- Propose measures to promote research collaboration both within the department and between departments and other institutions (CNR, IRCCS, etc.).
- Identify interventions to support the scientific activities of young researchers and newly hired staff.
- Propose systems to increase participation in competitive calls, provide support, and specifically disseminate funding opportunities.
- Encourage high-quality publications.
- Implement measures to strengthen the doctoral program.
- Identify systems to promote the development of Open Science.
- Propose solutions to facilitate the sharing of research equipment and collaborate with the Equipment and Construction Working Group.
- Support the Young Researchers Group (YRG) in identifying non-structured researchers at FABIT, organizing the Young Researchers’ Retreat, and managing departmental seminars in collaboration with the Communication Working Group.
- Propose any updates to evaluation criteria, evaluate Marco Polo grant applications, and formulate a ranking proposal.
- Evaluate Open Access contribution requests.
The relationships with the Vice Rector for Research are maintained through the Department’s Research Delegate. The relationships with the University Quality Office are maintained, through the Director or the Quality Delegate, by the Research Delegate and the Delegate for Third Mission and Social Impact.
Regarding research planning and evaluation, Professor Maria Laura Bolognesi has been appointed as the representative for Area 03 in the University Research Assessment Commission.
- Prof. Paolo Blasi
- Prof. Emil Malucelli
- Prof. Laura Mercolini
- Prof. Paolo Trost
- Prof. Anna Maria Porcelli
- Prof. Matteo Masetti
- Prof. Francesco Chemello
- Prof. Barbara Luppi
- Dr. Gloria Ravegnini
- Dr. Manuela Voltattorni
- Dr. Piero Sciavilla
Teaching Commission
Main Functions
- Identify objectives for departmental teaching and the corresponding evaluation parameters, in line with the University’s Strategic Plan and in agreement with the Quality Commission.
- Propose measures to enhance the dissemination of information to improve the attractiveness of all study programs proposed by the Department and to innovate orientation practices to prevent dropouts, in collaboration with the Orientation Working Group and the Third Mission and Social Impact Commission.
- Identify systems for the international promotion of educational offerings and to facilitate student mobility, in collaboration with the Internationalization Working Group.
- Enhance information related to activities benefiting students with disabilities, specific learning disorders, and special educational needs, as well as psychological support services.
- Propose departmental initiatives for welcoming and accompanying students throughout their academic journey.
- Suggest systems to increase student involvement in departmental life.
- Initiate a reflection on possible modifications to study regulations to enhance the attractiveness of study programs and design new courses, in collaboration with the coordinators of individual study programs.
- Evaluate the impact of any changes in the ratio of hours/ECTS for frontal/exercise/laboratory teaching, both on individual study programs and on the use of classrooms/laboratories, in collaboration with the Data Working Group.
- Begin a comprehensive analysis of spending on teaching, in collaboration with the teaching pipeline, the RAGD, and the Technical Coordinator of laboratories.
The relationships with the Vice Rector for Teaching are maintained through the Department’s Teaching Delegate. The relationships with the University Quality Office are maintained, through the Director or the Quality Delegate, by the Teaching Delegate.
- Prof. Laura Mercolini
- Dr. Donatella Canistro
- Prof. Alessandra Locatelli
- Dr. Concettina Cappadone
- Prof. Luisa Iommarini
- Prof. Lucia Carboni
- Prof. Francesca Sparla
- Prof. Michela Rosini
- Prof. Francesco Musiani
- Dr. Daniele Ghezzi
- Dr. Samanta Paltrinieri
Commission for Third Mission and Social Impact
The Commission aims to enhance the products of departmental teaching and research by promoting dialogue, exchange, and mutual development between the Department and stakeholders, in relation to the territory and social contexts of reference. Through the planning of a departmental strategy, it pursues economic valorization by transforming research-generated knowledge into useful knowledge for productive purposes (intellectual property management, business creation, third-party activities). It also supports the Department’s mission in educational (continuing education), cultural (scientific dissemination events), and social (public health) areas. The Commission is also responsible for monitoring and analyzing the Department’s Third Mission activities to annually verify the achievement of objectives and conduct reviews. By interfacing with the Communication and website Working Group, it facilitates the dissemination of Third Mission activities and initiatives on the departmental web page and through other institutional channels of the University. For communications, please write to
Main Functions
- Identify the objectives for departmental third mission and the corresponding evaluation parameters, in line with the University’s Strategic Plan and in agreement with the Quality Commission.
- Innovate and keep the department’s website and social media communication up to date in order to increase the dissemination of information related to research activities and enhance collaboration opportunities with companies, in collaboration with the Communication Working Group.
- Organize events to disseminate knowledge about the department’s research and teaching, even at the international level, in collaboration with the Communication Working Group.
- Propose initiatives to expand collaborations with companies, facilitate broader participation of research groups, and promote the development of start-ups and spin-offs.
- Identify measures to increase the capacity to generate new patents and enhance their market value.
- Propose and support public engagement initiatives, including the implementation of competitive research projects and opening the department to the public.
President and Delegate for the Reasearch
- Prof. Emil Malucelli
- Prof. Laura Mercolini
- Prof. Barbara Zambelli
- Prof. Martina Cappelletti
- Dr. Giampaolo Zuccheri
- Prof. Elena Bacchelli
- Dr. Simone Rampelli
- Dr. Francesca Borsetti
- Dr. Lucia Ferroni
- Dr. Andrea Bassan (KTO Manager del Dipartimento)
Quality Assurance Commission
Main functions
- Analyze data related to research evaluation, both at the University level (VRA) and at the ministry level (VQR), and consequently propose actions to improve it.
- Identify objectives for departmental research and the corresponding evaluation parameters, in line with the University’s Strategic Plan and in agreement with the Research Commission.
- Compile and update the SUA-RD form, in collaboration with the Research Commission.
- Identify objectives for departmental third mission and the corresponding evaluation parameters, in line with the University’s Strategic Plan and in agreement with the Third Mission Commission.
- Identify objectives for departmental teaching and the corresponding evaluation parameters, in line with the University’s Strategic Plan and in agreement with the Teaching Commission.
- Initiate a reflection on possible modifications to study regulations to enhance the attractiveness of study programs, together with the coordinators of individual study programs and in agreement with the Teaching Commission.
- Evaluate the impact of any changes in the ratio of hours/ECTS for frontal/exercise/laboratory teaching, both on individual study programs and on the use of classrooms/laboratories, as well as on the SSD (Scientific Disciplinary Sectors), in order to rationalize resources. This evaluation will be done in collaboration with the Data Working Group and in agreement with the Teaching Commission.
Delegate for Quality Assurance
- Prof. Barbara Monti
- Prof. Anna Minarini
- Prof. Paolo Trost
- Prof. Luisa Iommarini
- Prof. Manuela Bartolini
- Prof. Paolo Blasi
- Prof. Anna Maria Ghelli
- Prof. Emil Malucelli
- Prof. Beatrice Vitali
- Prof. Francesco Musiani
- Dott.ssa Donatella Canistro
- Dr. Pierpaolo Palmieri
- Dr. Laura Zambonin
- Alba Mori
- Cecilia Franciosi
Joint Commission (Commissione Paritetica) of Faculty and Students
In each Department that is a reference for one or more Study Programs not related to a School, a Joint Commission of Faculty and Students is established. The Commission is responsible for monitoring the educational offerings, the quality of teaching, and student services using appropriate evaluation indicators. It provides opinions on the establishment, activation, modification, and removal of educational offerings. Additionally, it can propose matters related to teaching and resource allocation to the Department Council. The Commission prepares an annual report and performs other tasks specified in the University regulations.
The composition of the Joint Commission is defined by the Department Regulations, ensuring a balanced representation of professors and researchers based on their rank and service location, as well as students according to their study cycle and location of educational activities. The Commission is chaired by the Department Director or their delegate.
- Dr. Monica Baiula
- Prof. Alessandra Bisi
- Prof. Federica Bigucci
- Prof. Jessica Marinello
- Prof. Silvia Turroni
Student Representatives
- Arianna Bonetti
- Alba Mori
- Emma Santagada
- Giorgia Pederiva
- Maria Aurora Murgia
- Davide Azzolini
Orientation Work Group
- Prof. Paolo Blasi
- Dr. Concettina Cappadone
- Dr. Gabriele Campana
- Prof. Lucia Carboni
- Prof. Michela Rosini
- Prof. Francesca Sparla
- Dr. Giulia Miglietta
- Dr. Massimiliano Broccoli
Communication and Web Commission (Com4Fabit)
- Prof. Paolo Blasi
- Prof. Federica Belluti
- Dr. Francesca Borsetti
- Dr. Laura Zambonin
- Dr. Carola Eleonora Parolin
- Dr. Andrea Bassan (KTO manager)
- Dr. Giulia Babbi
- Dr. Noemi Carosella
- Dr. Lucrezia Galassi
- Dr. Filippo Piazza
General contact:
Data Work Group
- Prof. Pier Luigi Martelli
- Prof. Matteo Masetti (responsible for research data)
- Prof. Elena Bacchelli (responsible for divulgation and social impact data)
- Prof. Francesco Musiani (responsible for teaching data)
Internazionalization Work Group
- Dr. Donatella Canistro (internazionalization of teaching)
- Prof. Barbara Luppi (internazionalization of research)
- Dr. Giampaolo Zuccheri (internazionalization of divulgation and social impact)
- Dr. Elisa Uliassi
Construction and Equipment Work Group
- Prof. Anna Maria Porcelli
- Prof. Marinella Roberti
- Prof. Fabiana Morroni
- Dr. Castrense Savoiardo
- Dr. Giorgio Milazzo
- Dr. Valentina Vasina
- Dr. Laura Zambonin
Intra-departmental Board
- Prof. Patrizia Hrelia
- Prof. Vincenzo Tumiatti
- Prof. Stefano Ferroni
- Prof. Elena Maestrini
- Prof. Emidio Capriotti
- Prof. Stefano Fedi
- Prof. Giorgio Gallinella
- Prof. Stefano Iotti
- Prof. Paolo Bernardo Trost
Animal Facilities Work Group
- Prof. Marco Caprini
- Dr. Valentina Vasina
- Dr. Davide Pasqualini